Support for

Using TGI

Alistair Wilson
by Alistair Wilson 9 years ago

This is a walk-through, showing you how to make a document using TGI.


  1. (install the TGI script),
  2. Open the Scripts palette in InDesign;
  3. Start TGI;
  4. Choose a product;
  5. Set any options that appear;
  6. Take note of any warnings;
  7. Start designing!

Install the TGI Script

See the links at the bottom of this article.

Open the Scripts palette in InDesign

Show the Scripts palette from the menu:

  • Window > Utilities > Scripts
  • In Older versions of InDesign: Window > Automation > Scripts

Create a Keyboard Shortcut to run TGI from InDesign

  1. Edit > Keyboard Shortcuts...
  2. Product Area: Scripts
  3. Commands: User: Version 4.0 Scripts: TGI.jsx
  4. New Shortcut: Shift+Ctrl+N is usually free.

Start TGI

Double-click on the TGI.jsx script in the Scripts palette, or press Shift+Ctrl+N if you have set up the keyboard shortcut.

If you cannot see TGI.jsx, then try expanding the User folder and its sub-folders.


It is recommended that you set your default printer to your chosen PDF printer before you start TGI. This way, TGI sets up all your printer options for professional printing.

Search for a product

If you know the product code, or part of it, type it into the box, then OK:

Alternatively, you can browse products by product group.

Choose the product

A list of matching products is presented, along with an option to rotate the document.

At the left of each product in the list, the orientation is shown as:

  • = for a wider-than-tall document;
  • || for a taller-than-wide document.

You can override this default by selecting Orientation: Rotate 90°

Set any options that appear

Some products have finishing options that feature in your design document. If you are asked, then check Workgroup > Jobs > View/Amend> Files for Production when making choices.

Take note of any warnings

You might be informed of things TGI could not complete for you, or you might be given advice about designing for the product. See TGI Warnings below.

Start designing!

Now, be creative! Your TGI-generated document should be product-compliant, except for your artwork, but when you're done remember to check it against the specification before you submit your print-ready PDFs.



Obtain and Install TGI

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TGI User Guide (Template Generator for InDesign)


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