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Conversion ID & Conversion Label

Chris Lowe
by Chris Lowe 10 years ago

Google adwords will assign a conversion Id and conversion label to your account. Adding the details into your w3shop will do two things:

Remarketing Adverts

You may want to serve Pay Per Click (PPC) remarketing adverts using the Google Display Network. Adding your Conversion ID & Conversion label on a page will display relevant adverts to be served to users that have visited this particular page.

Google Adwords Conversion Tracking

The code for Adwords tracking code for Google is already integrated into your webshop. It has been added to the checkout/payment page. This allows Google to track a sale in adwords. To activate this you need to add your tracking Conversion ID & Conversion Label onto your HOME page.

NOTE: The Conversion label for your remarketing adverts and your adwords tracking may vary. So add the conversion label required for adwords tracking on the home page, and the conversion label for remarketing on every other page you wish to serve remarketing adverts for.


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