Support for

We have integrated many different tracking codes for your convenience. However, there may be some specific tracking code or application that you may like to add to your w3shop.

The Header Snippets box is available site wide or on selected individual pages. Adding code snippets to individual site pages will only add the javascript to that individual page.

Any code snippets added to the category site page will add the JavaScript to every page of your w3shop.

What would I use this for?

There may be bespoke tracking apps that you want to add. Maybe you want to add a webchat function. These types of applications typically require the addition of JavaScript in the header tag of your website. The header snippet box allows you to add bespoke applications specific to your w3shop.

You can also use Header Snippets to add favicons to your w3shop.

Use with caution

When adding JavaScript to your header. This can cause performance issues and errors.

For best results:

1) Find the JavaScript source and ensure you trust the provider

2) Ensure your code starts with < and ends with >

3) After proceeding, check your w3shop still runs smoothly.


See also

Setup Tracking and Meta Data for your w3shop

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Setup Tracking and Meta Data for your w3shop


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