This section covers some background information on web 2 print templates and also some advice on fonts.
Templates Overveiw
This section covers some background information on web 2 print templates and also some advice on fonts.
To build editable online design templates, you will need…
InDesign® files are saved as either InDesign template files, .indt, or .idml which are then used to create an online template.
Please note that if you are using the .indt option that we only support up to CS6. .idml files are supported up to the latest version.
When uploaded to Flyerlink®, InDesign® Server is used to translate the document into an editable template. The template is then opened and edited using the Editor. Once the template has been personalised by the user and approved, InDesign® Server is used again to translate the document into a print ready PDF.
They will need…
Please note that we support the following browsers:
We have purchased an ongoing Server Licence for over 2,700 fonts from the Linotype Originals 2.0 Library, plus 600 or so more from other libraries, for use in our online applications. We have also incorporated the top 100 Google fonts.
Refer to the Template Font List in Flyerlink® to see the complete list of fonts currently available to use within Editable Text Objects in a Template: Template Font List
Fonts that are not on the Template Font List can be used in non-editable areas of a template; however, they must be converted to outlines or used within a rasterised image.
If a client uses a font not found in the Template Font List, we advise that you suggest using an alternative font that is included in the Template Font List. Remember, this font only needs to be used in editable areas of a Template, and their standard font can be used everywhere else. Many clients may also have an acceptable secondary font listed in their brand manual.
If you need to find a similar font for a client to match our library, then try using - once you find something close, just cross reference it with our Template Font List
When creating a template, if you do not possess the exact version of the fonts featured in the Template Font List (eg. You may have ‘Diverda Sans Com Regular’ but not ‘Diverda Sans LT Std Regular’) then you can use your existing version, and then swap it at the build stage provided that the version that you own is in .otf (Opentype) or TTF (True Type) format. Alternatively, you could purchase the exact version to help with laying out your Template designs.
The font substitution tool will only work with OpenType (OTF) and True Type (TTF) fonts.
Postscript Type 1 fonts are not suitable for substitution. In addition, do not mix Open Type and True Type fonts of the same family, as this will cause the font substitution to fail.
Roboto | Open Sans |
Slabo 27px | Lato |
Oswald | Roboto Condensed |
Source Sans Pro | Montserrat |
Raleway | PT Sans |
Merriweather | Roboto Slab |
Open Sans Condensed | Lora |
Droid Sans | Ubuntu |
Droid Serif | Arimo |
Playfair Display | PT Serif |
Noto Sans | PT Sans Narrow |
Titillium Web | Muli |
Poppins | Indie Flower |
Bitter | Fjalla One |
Dosis | Hind |
Catamaran | Oxygen |
Inconsolata | Cabin |
Noto Serif | Arvo |
Crimson Text | Anton |
Lobster | Ubuntu Condensed |
Yanone Kaffeesatz | Nunito |
Libre Baskerville | Press Start 2P |
Bree Serif | Merriweather Sans |
Josefin Sans | Fira Sans |
Abel | Roboto Mono |
Abril Fatface | Asap |
Gloria Hallelujah | Pacifico |
Quicksand |
Karla |
Varela Round |
Play |
Work Sans | Dancing Script |
Signika | Questrial |
Rubik | Cuprum |
Alegreya | Shadows Into_light |
Archivo Narrow | Francois One |
Rokkitt | PT Sans Caption |
Amatic SC | Maven Pro |
Vollkorn | Acme |
EB Garamond | Exo 2 |
Eco | Ropa Sans |
Crete Round | Libre Franklin |
News Cycle | Pathway Gothic One |
Patua One | Source Serif Pro |
Josefin Slab | Russo One |
Architects Daughter | Source Code Pro |
Lobster Two | Comfortaa |
Orbitron |
Google fonts are only available on HTML5 templates, they aren't available on our historic Flash based templates.
The full archive of all current Google fonts can be downloaded from
(320mb .zip file - fonts are in a folder called OFL once uncompressed)
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